Replacement Windows & Home Improvement Blog

  • 10/01/2018
    Each year, it is estimated that more than 252,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and there are currently more than 3.3 million survivors in the U.S. right now. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and this year Renewal by Andersen has committed in a big way in the fight against the insidious disease. 
  • 07/03/2018
    On Independence Day, we mark a day to relax and celebrate and to spend time with family and friends. The Fourth of July is the quintessential American holiday—so what better way to kick it off than with an all-American success story?
  • 06/26/2018
    The world isn’t always black and white, there are always shades of grey, right? Well, of course. But sometimes…sometimes, you just want to want to take a page out of Mick Jagger’s book and “paint it black.” Tailored and masculine. Sleek and sexy. Traditional and elegant. Quintessential and classic. Whether you dress it up as a focal point or dial it down as an accent color, there is a reason black is a perennial favorite (not-so-)neutral.
  • 05/24/2018
    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial beginning of summer, which means it is easy to lose sight of the true meaning of the holiday. Please take time this Memorial Day to honor and remember all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country.
  • 09/05/2017
    The Renewal by Andersen 3D App is a tool that generates a 3D rendering of your home based on photos you upload. From there, homeowners are able to visualize window options directly on their home, making the window buying process that much easier (and let’s face it, more fun). 
  • 09/05/2017
    The right patio door can transform your home, your décor, and the way you use your living space. At Renewal by Andersen, we offer a variety of Andersen® doors in a large selection of styles that can be tailored to suit your home and personal taste. From traditional French doors to more modern gliding and sliding patio doors, our well-crafted doors make a beautiful entrance to the outdoors and provide a spectacular view from the inside. They can be further customized with a variety of hardware styles and finishes, grille patterns, and interior stains.
  • 07/30/2017
    When powerhouse designer, contractor, and TV host Matt Muenster was finally ready to tackle the renovation of his 1962, historic mid-century modern, Ralph Rappson-designed home in St. Paul, MN, he knew he wanted to get it right the first time. Go behind the scenes and see the process unfold firsthand!
  • 05/25/2017
    With so many color options, it’s not surprising that many people find themselves in a state of color paralysis—colors, combinations, hues, shades, tints, complementary, analogous, intermediate…it can seem overwhelming, and make you want to retreat to the land of safe and soft neutrals. But if you arm yourself with a little basic knowledge about the psychology of colors, and have an understanding of how the different color families can affect mood, you can begin your exploration with confidence. You can use color to change the size and shape of furniture pieces, as well as whole rooms. You can even use it to change your mood.